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there was this one time at abnd camp...

hey hey this is my essay! it dont goin bloing dogs for quarters!
The poem "My Box" written by Gillian Clarke, in essence, is about a gift of a box from a man to a woman. The first line 'My box is made of golden oak, my lover´s gift to me´. Clarke introduces both characters, the lover and the narrator. 'He fitted hinges and a lock of brass and a bright key.´ This line has a sort of naivety about it because it is made up of monosyllables, also, when read it seems as if a word is missing between 'bright´ and 'key´. This may be deliberate to emphasise the youthfulness of the writer at this point in the poem. 'He made it out of winter nights, sanded and oiled and planed, engraved inside a heavy lid in brass, a golden tree.´ This means that the man spent a lot of time on the box because 'and´ is emphasised three times.
In the second stanza, the poet describes the what the woman has done with the box. 'In my box are twelve black books where I have written down how we have sanded, oil...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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