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There's NO such thing as a BAD single malt

There's NO such thing as a BAD single malt

Most people who drink spirits tend to have a favourite which they stick to through thick or thin. They will only contemplate changing brands when their chosen tipple is unavailable. As soon as they can, they return to the familiar comfort of home. Single Malt Scotch drinkers are different. A breed apart, the confident malt lover is always exploring, always curious about an unfamiliar label, because they know an open secret; there's no such thing as a bad single malt.

One man has more than any other, done more to promote and explain single malts. For nearly twenty years, Michael Jackson has eulogised on this subject. By no means the first in the field, Michael Jackson has nevertheless succeeded in putting single malts into context. His Malt Whisky Companion, a 10 year plus tasting guide which also appears as the Complete Guide to Single Malts de-mistified the subject. This guide is to single malts what Wine Spectator is to wine ...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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