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The Urban Teen

For any adolescent whether they are urban or rural, friendship, without a doubt, is the most important aspect of adolescence today. I consider adolescence to be a very difficult time in my life, with school, family and, most important of all, maintaining an active social life. It is my friends, in my opinion, that insure my mental stability and ease the passage from this life-stage to the next.
To me a friend is not just an acquaintance of mine, so while other teens may have twenty to thirty friends, I have five to ten friends at most. I feel that the reason for this is that a friend to me has to have many distinct virtues. A friend to me, means that he or she has to be compassionate, loyal, kind, caring, overt to my feelings, has to have a good sense of humor, a good personality and most important of all, always has to be there for me. Most adolescents would think that no one pe...

Posted by: Margaret Rowden

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