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The tortoise teaches the Student

In the story the Tortoise and the Hare which was adapted from the fable originally written by Aseop through Carolyn Quattrocki, we have a story that involves two conflicting personalities. On one hand, we have a vain rabbit named Hare who is so in love with himself, this causes him to misses the important events in life. Secondly, we have a tortoise that goes by the same name, who seems slow and prodding, but who in reality takes time to enjoy life. In the story, Tortoise challenges Hare to a race to prove his point that slow and steady wins the race while speed will not necessarily prove the victor. Tortoise, in his slow and determined way, wins the race, because he realizes that haste makes waste. While Tortoise headed steadily towards the finish line, Hare slows down to take a “snooze” and on waking, realizes he has lost the race. Tortoise is aware of the fact that reality is not always what it seems and can many times deceive a person into a wrong sense of security.
Hare is a ...

Posted by: Margaret Rowden

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