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The Subjectivity of the American Dream

The Subjectivity of the American Dream

We as Americans come across at least a thousand advertisements everyday. Although all of these ads are very diverse in content they all share a common goal of attracting us, consumers, to the firm they represent. Vast arrays of marketing techniques are used in effort to make an ad successful; however, the most effective ones are those that incorporate our most meaningful hopes and dreams in their content. Such magazines as Vibe and Glamour are as popular as they are particularly because they portray to us the most appealing aspects of the American Dream. By displaying successful groups of people of many races and both genders these magazines fuel our desire to believe that anyone living in the United States today has the ability to become a successful person. Such aspects of the media lead us to believe in this fallacy even though it is very far from reality.
American Dreams are identical to fingerprints in the sense that they all see...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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