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The colonists that came to America many years ago had to build their own homes. Some of the earliest settlers’ had built several types of homes for survival. The most common home came to be the log cabin. Most Americans today live in houses or apartments with running water and indoor bathrooms. The pioneers in the 1700’s certainly had a much harder life and lived differently from the way we live today in the Twentieth Century. However, they also had the need for shelter, transportation and communication.

In the early 1700’s, shelter was the settlers first concern upon arriving to a piece of land. Pioneers of the colonial times lived in log cabins they built on their own in which took several days and even weeks to accomplish. This consisted of clearing the land by cutting down trees and producing logs with minimal tools. The cabins would be one room, which included their sleeping quarters and cooking area. They built a fireplace, which is where they did all the...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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