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the right to independance

washintong dissgreded with all of the folloing in this lifetime he felt, that if a boy had a tree mother than he wouldn't of shoped downthe cherry tree. he thought that if he did it it would not be lie. so her told george senior that he did not chop down the cherry tree and there fore he used it as a part of his politicl campagin in which it was a thought that he was such a honest person that he would not ell a lie. this got the public to becuase that he would not tell them a lie. this was a mjor part in the winning in the 1789 election . an he became the first president in the united states and one of the best in american history. also the seond predient of the united states of america was andrew jackson he thought it was nessacry to forclose the bank of the united staes becuase he was condsdered the common man. this was partial true becuase he was the first person to be a president th...

Posted by: William Katz

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