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The Power of the Tongue

The Power of the Tongue
Most people would define hip-hop or rap as a person reciting words to music, but hip-hop is much more than that. It’s a form of expression. The voice of hip-hop comes from a generation trying to make something out of nothing, a generation that was not being seen or heard. Hip-hop’s voice comes in a variety of faces from pioneer rapper Jo-Jo, who is Puerto Rican, to African-American rapper Sista Souljah. With this diverse face, hip-hop has been able to speak to a generation from all ethnic backgrounds. Hip-hop can be a reflection of social and economic conditions or a source of history that might not normally be taught in traditional education. It has been the voice for those who have been oppressed, and has also been a vehicle for economic self-sufficiency and collective survival on urban streets. While Hip -Hop is a multi-billion dollar industry, over the years it has lost its freshness and originality causing a state of artistic and spiritual paralysis w...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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