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the perfect place

The road we take to get there makes my stomach turn inside out, the feeling you get while riding a roller coaster or when you finally reach the height on a swing when your stomach flip-flops. This always made me giggle wildly as a child. I also remember staring in amazement out the back seat window at the multiple fields of color that expanded upon the horizon and stretched out as far as I could see. Each and every leaf that fell from the foliage was uniquely intricate and their freshly raked piles were mountainous. Autumn was definitely my favorite time of the year-it was extraordinarily beautiful.
It was only approximately forty-five minutes away from my house, so we went to the mountains to spend a weekend at our cabin near Ohio Pyle several times throughout the year. It became more and more breathtaking each time we visited. The lake was beautifully decorated with lily pads, cattails, and tall irises. When the fish would surface, they generated calm waves that rippled...

Posted by: Gelinde Cobbs

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