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The Lighter Side of The Scale

The Lighter Side of the Scale
The escalating rage was easily detectable. What would be the reason this time? Maybe because dinner wasn’t on the table awaiting consumption and that was unacceptable. The dishes were still dirty and that might as well have been the eighth deadly sin. Another long day at work and again someone else would become the victim of this anger. The stinging, open-handed slaps would ring throughout the house. Blood would creep from the nose and lips. The screaming would pierce ears and the scratches would begin to leave marks. It would be difficult to hide the bruises. Too scared of the consequences to retaliate and too prideful to tell anyone, he suffers this torment in silence. How often are men abused by their female co-habitants? This is obviously not the greatest concern within domestic violence. However, do these instances not deserve a certain amount of attention when addressing these concerns? To better understand the issues surrounding dome...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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