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The League of Nations

This essay will be looking at whether or not the 1920’s was a Golden Age for the League of Nations. Also it will look at some of the problems which the League got involved in and discuss whether or not the League was successful in solving these disputes. Some of the problems which are going to be discussed are areas like Corfu and the Aaland islands to see how the League of Nations handled them.
Collective Security was an idea for preserving peace after the First World War which president Woodrow Wilson of the United States was mainly responsible for. Wilson said “…it is our duty to maintain the safeguards which will see to it that the mothers of America and the mothers of France and England and Italy and Belgium and all other nations should never be called upon for this sacrifice again.” The Nations agreed that they would all maintain peace together by joining the League of Nations, which forty-two nations joined, but Russia did not join until 1934, this was the year tha...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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