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The Importance of a 10 Minute Trip

Never in my life could I have guessed that a ten-minute trip could change my life so extensively. December twenty-eighth at approximately twelve-thirty am I told my sister how much I loved her, and said good bye for the last time. I few minutes later I left Casey House Hospice to go to my friend’s house for the night. I was emotionally and physically drained from the day’s events, and I needed a break from all the friends and family members that meaning well, were in fact smothering me. Lying in bed half an hour later, I found it hard to sleep because my mind was alive with bursts of thought. I wondered what life would be like after my sister died, and how I was going to deal with it. I also wondered if my relationship with my parents, which was already rocky, would suffer or benefit from the great loss that we were about to encounter. At five-ten am on the dot of that same day, the phone rang and two minutes later my friend’s parents who happen to be the pastor of the church and...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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