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The House on Mango Street

July 10: Some 13 billion years ago in a distant cluster of stars, a planet formed. Remarkably it's still there, according to astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope.

Mars Dust - July 09:
mars 2003
On July 1st a bright dust cloud spilled out of Hellas Basin, a giant impact crater on Mars' southern hemisphere, and quickly grew large enough to see from Earth. Amateur astronomers have been tracking the cloud ever since.
Trouble with Lifshitz, Slyozov, and Wagner - July 07:
materials science
A physics theory used to create cutting-edge "designer materials" doesn't work as scientists expect. A new experiment planned for the International Space Station could reveal why.

Harry Potter and the Moons of Jupiter - July 02:
looking up
Blistering-hot volcanoes that belch snow. Moons bigger than planets. Icy worlds with vast underground oceans. All of these things can be found in the latest Harry Potter novel. And according to NASA space probes, they're all real. This week you...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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