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The Future of Genetic Research:

The Future of Genetic Research:
The Oregonian recently published an editorial by George Will voicing his concerns on the dangers genetic enhancement holds for society. He sees an immediate threat to the human races’ ethics. Will’s Editorial shows that, “Recently a rhesus monkey named Andi (“inserted DNA,” backward) became the first genetically altered primate ever created” (C5). The research will be complete when Andi becomes sexually mature, and scientists can see if the inserted DNA will descend to his offspring. George Wills’ view is that humans are not far behind in participating in this line of experimentation using eugenics to tailor their children as well. Scientists’ reasoning behind this line of research and experimentation is to acquire the ability to produce cures for diseases and discover more possibilities of prevention. Negative eugenics is a procedure used to detect birth defects in babies still in the womb; positive eugenics is a procedure involvi...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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