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The Flood

I remember that day when I’ve actually flooded the whole school just in order to cancel
And exam. And the funniest thing was that I actually managed to flood the school but
The exam took place as planned.

It was happening when I was in 11th grade. Back then I was a real trouble maker.
You might even say I was on a quest to destroy the school. I was putting all kind of
Nasty things inside lab locks, destroying computer, drawing on tables(actually I was
Really good at it, and people actually liked my works), and so on…
But the flooding was unique.

Well we had this huge exam coming up and me as usually at that time, who’s doing
nothing, was a big challenge I wasn’t ready for. So I heard many stories from older
guys and adults about the crazy things they used to be doing in school. Most of them
told me the “mace” story. Its very simple. All you need is a few small packs o...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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