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The Fallen Messiah of Generation X

Name: David Felix
Submitted: 12.05.01
Word Count: 1253
"" It's better to burn out than to fade away.""
The Fallen Messiah of Generation X

On April 5, 1994, the lead singer and songwriter of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, silently placed the end barrell of a shotgun into his mouth and pulled the trigger. And so ended the life of so much promise. But why did it have to come to this? Perhaps the reasons will never be known, but there were a few things that haunted Cobain throughout his life that he just couldn't seem to get away from.
Cobain's parents were seperated when he was nine years old, and according to friends and family, the divorce that would shortly follow thereafter proved itself to be somewhat of a turning point in the way Cobain viewed himself and others. Up until then, Kurt was a happy child who was full of smiles and who also was ready and willing to forgive anyone who hurt him. But that all changed in 1976.
For the rest of his life, Cobain would never forgive his...

Posted by: Jessica Linton

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