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The Earliest People

I’m not much for making up things about “cave” people or whatever, because I don’t really like them or the subject. Let’s face it, does anyone really know anything about the cave people. And the real question is, do we care? I’ll answer that, no. No we do not care. Why? Because it doesn’t affect us, in fact it shouldn’t really matter. It’s shocking, I know. But why should it matter? Can’t we learn to let sleeping dogs lie? I can see the reason behind, “knowing our history so we don’t repeat it” theory. But I mean, it’s not like we are going to suddenly wake up one day and have lost our whole civilization and have to start all over again, and this time…we’ll know how to do it. So where’s the logic? There is none.
The “earliest time” is a time that is unknown to us because it is undocumented. The books we have are merely glorified theory, made up by some man with a feather pen, a good name, and a pile of bones. And come on, how do we really know...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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