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The Desert And Temptation

Temptation has been around since the beginning of man. It takes a great deal of strength to turn away from temptations. We face them every day and are forced to confront the devil in ways which are not always obvious. It could be a simple temptation such as finding a five dollar bill on the floor and taking it, not bothering to ask if anyone has lost money. A stronger temptation may arise such as you know that a friend of yours has lost a specific large quantity of money. You find it and deliberately decide to keep it for yourself. In both of these situations, a person was tempted and made the wrong choice.
At this point of my life, I will soon be turning seventeen. There are so many temptations that I face on a daily basis. Anger, or a short temper is something that I have a problem with at times. I am generally a happy person, but at times when I am very stressed out or nervous about something I tend to over react to situatio...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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