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The Chalenge facing future administators

Ten Challenges Facing Future Administrators

Schools in the 21st century will have many more differences than likenesses to those of Jesse Stuart' s first classroom. I see the multi-age being the most like schools of the past.
1) Something likely to change in education even more quickly than technology is interdisciplinary instruction - a term I struggle to define but will call any instruction that integrates material from more than one discipline in a given project. The major push behind this type of instruction is the standards movement. Interdisciplinary instruction offers the appealing prospect of including two or more sets of standards in a given set of activities. I long for the day of the "thread" when it was important to teach the 3 R's!
Because of being small and independent, charter schools can act quickly, avoiding the sometimes cumbersome and slow processes of the central office. But also, because they are small and independent, they often lack ...

Posted by: Cinthia De Ruiz

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