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The Bushido Code: Triumphantly Appreciated

It is the Bushido Code and the militaristic beliefs of the ancient Japanese that shaped them as one of the most fierce and admirable civilizations in recorded history. Through their respect and honour for their enemy, the fearlessness of their warriors and their vast learning skills, beliefs and techniques, they were able to win numerous battles and succeed with not only physical skill but religious practice and derivation from Japan’s main religious belief system Zen Buddhism.

The Bushido Code was on hiatus over the 18th and 19th century (Halvorsen) due to the lack of battles that the Japanese Samurai where fighting. The world saw the reemergence of the Bushido code recently in Japan during World War II. Japanese pilots were often very loyal to the emperor of Japan, to the point where a comparison could be made between the Japanese Kamikaze pilots and the samurai of ancient Japan. Kamikazes were Japanese pilots that gave their lives for their loyalty to the emperor. Althoug...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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