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Team Building Techniques

“When Jesus called to the fisherman, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men,’ he was about to transform each one of those recruits from someone who worked only for a daily paycheck to someone who was part of a team, working for eternity.” Jones,2002.
What Laurie Beth Jones tried to say in her article is, to build a team, one need to convince the member to share the same believe or goal. Jesus transform fisherman into a team which working for eternity. Jesus knew that he need a team to achieve what his goal, so does leaders around the world. The biggest challenge as a leader is, to get diverse people and transform them into a team. There are many team-building techniques available in the literatures. Each author has their own team building technique, but they all have a similarity. The technique found in this report is mainly based on Dean Tjosvold and Mary M. Tjosvold writing.
In their book “Leading the team organization: how to create an enduring competitive advan...

Posted by: Gabrielle Gooch

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