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What’s on your body? The cause and effect of teenage tattooing
The popularity of tattooing has increased dramatically, especially with teenagers. Tattooing has been a fad for centuries and teenagers are now starting to take on this so called form of art. Though teenagers feel that getting a tattoo is the in thing to do, it is in fact along term problem. The increasing of tattooing done by teenagers is because of rebellion, peer pressure, and social status.
Rebellion is one of the many reasons why teenagers get tattoos. The children of today want to use piercing and tattoos as a form of expression and independence. The problem with this is that parents do not feel the same way, and so teenagers go out and get a tattoo in a ways just to show their parents that they can do as they please, and that they are not the bosses of them.
The problem with this is that later on in life the child that got the tattoo will grow up and have children of their own, who will also want...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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