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Synthesis on Violence

It is human nature to use scapegoats to hide innate feelings of aggression, violence, and rage. Gerard Jones, in his essay Killing Monsters, tells about his well-meaning, progressive, English teacher parents teach Gerard that violence is wrong.
The need to hide these feelings could be because throughout our childhood and beyond, we are taught that violence is wrong. Although violence is taught to be wrong, people are born with the need to express themselves with aggression and violence and must find a way to conceal these feelings because it is politically incorrect. “America loves to find and icon to hang its guilt on,” wrote Marilyn Manson in his essay, Whose fault is it? In this essay Marilyn Manson responds to the Columbine shootings. By comparing and contrasting the essays written by Manson and Jones one can determine th...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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