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Summary of "Fat & Happy"

The concluding chapter of a book-length study of dieting, written by Hillel Schwartz continuously discusses the issue of the “fat society”. This chapter, “Fat & Happy”, expresses critical analysis of the effects of dieting on overweight people and how most of those people are unhappy because society does not accept obesity.
The author speaks his strong opinion by saying that fat people can not and should not be blamed for their own obesity. Schwartz believes that society is the reason that fat people are depressed and constantly turn to dieting. Society does not socially accept obesity and therefore, fat people constantly deprive themselves of regular meals in order to lose weight so that they will be accepted in “the skinny world.” In the attempt to diet most will fail and begin to believe everyone else when they are told they are failures. Schwartz states that the fat itself is not what endangers the body, but the actual dieting itself. All humans will, at one...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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