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Stylistic essay


A ROUND the world, millions of voices were raised at the weekend in the name of peace.

Unprecedented but understandable demonstrations against war with Iraq filled streets in Europe and the US.
Around Australia, in numbers not seen since the Vietnam War, hundreds of thousands marched.

The overwhelming majority were well-meaning and sincere. They were a broad cross-section of our community and it is impossible to discount their views as ratbag rantings.

They simply wanted peace, and who would want war?

The tragic truth, though, is that the unconditional demand for peace at any price is simplistic and naive.

Sadder still, the message millions sent will have comforted Saddam Hussein.

It will have encouraged his belligerence and fuelled his determination to continue defying the United Nations.

In doing so it will also have hurt those the marchers quite genuinely seek to protect – the Iraqi people.

UN chief weapons inspector Dr Hans Blix has reported t...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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