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stuck in the snow

Stuck in the Snow

My arms, head, and legs were all immobilized by the snow’s vast pressure and weight. I flashed back to my avalanche preparation course, and remembered not to panic. Then I realized that I really was in the situation everyone talks about and began to panic. It felt like I had been yelling for an hour when I felt a hard plastic shovel hit me in the face. Then I saw the blue sky and took a deep breath. In reality I was under the snow for about two minutes and had been yelling for about a minute and fifty seven seconds. We had been in the back country at Sugar Bowl riding some awesome powder bowls when I went down in the world’s smallest avalanche. The snow was awesome and when it is that good I get pumped and take chances that I normally wouldn’t.
Before I left the valley I watched an interview with Shaun White, a sixteen year old pro snowboarder, who said, "If I hadn’t been pushed so hard by my crew I wouldn’t have tried the widow maker."...

Posted by: Melissa T. Littlefield

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