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Strict, Loose, or Shades of grey?

With Jefferson in office, the Federalists feared the destruction of the federal Constitution, which would result in Jefferson establishing a radical social order. However, would Jefferson actually do this? Although the Jeffersonians followed their “strict” interpretation of the Constitution for a number of years, they began to stray from their once literal understanding of it. Madison, as well as Jefferson, cannot be characterized as following a strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution; instead, both Presidents changed their views according to what principles they benefited from.
The Jeffersonians were construed as following the Constitution precisely, yet they opposed the idea of a too centralized government. Jefferson believed in strong state and local government, because they were closer to the people. He felt as though one powerful central government would take away the power from the states. In document A, Jefferson wrote “It [our country] can never be ...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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