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Strategic Behavior in Congress

Strategic Behavior in Congress falls between two broad categories:

Choices involving the writing and enacting of legislation
Choices that set up congressional rules and institutions

Distributive Proposals "legislation that funds the construction of roads, buildings, and other projects." Often described as wasteful because they are spending gov money on little projects that are of little use to anyone.

1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21)
-Funded over $250 Billion worth of road projects.
-Described as "tasty highway pork"
-Pork-filled, election year plum for member of congress.
-Some of these projects' benefits are less than the costs.
-Overwhelming majority of house members and senators voted for it.

*Legislators favor distributive proposals because delivering these benefits to constituents increases their chances of re-election.

*Expanding Distributive proposals ensures that every legislator who wants to claim credit has the opport...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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