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Stolen Essay By jane Harrison

Later, when Ruby is lucid and realises the horrific circumstances of her young life, she screams pathetically for her mother. She is employed as a domestic helper but the employers treat her no better than a stray dog. She is forced into backbreaking work and subjected to more sexual abuse and beatings. Her innocence crushed at such a young age, Ruby's terrifying descent into madness is both convincing and understandable.
Jimmy's fate is equally tragic. Taken from his mother at the age of two, Jimmy (Elliot Maynard) is a mischievous boy with a sense of humour. Eager to be adopted so that he can have a family, Jimmy's hopes are crushed after realising that he will never be chosen for adoption because he is considered too dark. Like Ruby, he is sexually abused and becomes a sullen, introverted teenager and then an angry morose adult, suffering from alcoholism and prone to explosive fits of anger that repeatedly land him in jail.
One day Jimmy, who had been told that his mother died whe...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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