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Stock vs. Fukuyama

Stock and Fukuyama had extremely opposing views on altering genes and changing our future as humans. Using the books of Genesis from the Bible, one can gather the thoughts and processes from a greater being creating humans in the image of the almighty. Many characteristics of human nature are spoken of in this book created so long ago, and still prove true today. Humans possess ambition, thus allowing them to acquire knowledge and seek it. God made the tree of knowledge, a star in the dark sky it seemed for Adam and Eve, yet the tree contained good and evil and they were not to take the fruit from it. Yet, temptation is also present in humans and they can be motivated by jealousy and passion. Eve was tempted to take a fruit and also offered another to Adam, which marked the first sin of humans, since they went against the will of God.
Stock had his ideas on technology as beneficial and necessary. Machines have made such an advancement in economic growth for human evoluti...

Posted by: Geraint Watts

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