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Songs of the Humpback whales

One of the best-known features of humpback whales is their singing. Humpbacks sing the longest and most complex songs in the animal kingdom. It is believed that song is one of the ways males compete to attract females, warn off other males, or perhaps it is sonar in which the whales use to communicate with other whales. The songs are very complex, comprised of many phrases and themes. Whales songs are said to be like those of humans. All male whales in a population will sing the same song and over time it evolves as new sounds are added to old ones are discarded. Different populations will sing different songs. Research suggests the reasons for the songs are still unknown; however, there are many theories to these magnificent songs.

Humpback whales are the third largest of all animals. Like all other animals, whales need a form of communication that is suited to their environment. Sound travels three times faster underwater than in air, with low frequencies tra...

Posted by: Veronica Gardner

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