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Show how genre and narrative are established in the opening five minutes of two films

Show how genre and narrative are established in the opening five minutes of two films

The narrative of a film is how the sequence of events are organized to form a story with a particular structure.

Genre is the category in which the film belongs. This can be defined by what the audience expect from the film. For example the use of a typical storyline, typical characters, typical facial expressions, typical dress, typical props, typical lighting, typical settings, typical camera angle, genre associated actors and actresses, and both typical diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound.

In films codes and conventions are used to create expectations in media. When the codes are broken the film draws our attention to itself his makes an impression on the audience and makes the audience remember it.

For example in a science fiction film the audience would expect to see aliens, good/bad people/aliens, the audience would expect it to be set in the future and in space, the audience would...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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