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Should Students Protest

Should Students protest during school time?

In a democratic country everyone has the right to protest and students are no exception. However, in the past few months the streets of the country have been packed with young protesters aiming to illustrate their disagreement with the Howard Government’s decision to send Australian troops to fight America’s war against Iraq. Thus upsetting teachers, police and the members of the community including most local business owners. This time wasted on war rallies could be better spent for learning about the issues involved. Students do have plenty of time after school hours for protests although continue to pay no attention to the pleas of the worried citizens regarding the issue at hand.

Whenever protests take place, the point of the occasion is to voice the protesters opinions to the superior ministers of parliament whilst influencing the uncertain public. Their voice must be heard to have any affect and the best method to do this is t...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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