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Shattered Globe

The Tao of Now
W. Paul Ender

There is a singular beauty that comes when one exists within the moment. Understanding that Now is an existence unto itself, complete in every way, bringing about a peace and clarity that is rare to many. The Tao of Now is a fundamental concept that alludes the masses as they carry their past upon their shoulders much like a beast of burden while striving constantly to catch a glimpse of their future. Denying the moment in a vain attempt to find that ever elusive utopia that always appears just over the horizon, the spirit of man is forever trapped in a loop of time.
Consider for a moment that Now is the only reality that exists for anyone at any given time. The moment is perfect and without wrong or right for it can be neither, only Now. To Be is complete in and of itself. Whatever the moment, it is exactly where you should be, it is the result of a vast and complex equation composed of actions, reactions, and environment. Each moment is...

Posted by: John Mayes

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