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There are over 300 different types of sharks. But only a few are used for cooking. They include : Blacktip, Bonito, Common Thresher, Mako, Sandbar, Smooth Dogfish, Soupfin, Spiny Dogfish. Shark has no bones. Their body structure is supported by cartilage. Sharks also don’t have a swim bladder, which helps fish float. Since cartilage is lighter than bone sharks are able to float. This makes cooking a lot easier for the chef.
Shark is not a common entrée at restaurants but is becoming popular to the consumer. Shark has a pinkish flesh just like salmon. The Soupfin shark is used as a gelatin base in a Chinese Soup. The blacktip shark has a white-pinkish flesh with ruby red edges. This is the most popular shark. The Mako looks and taste a lot like swordfish. Spiny and smooth dogfish have the most fatty flesh than other sharks. These are the only sharks that can be used to cook with. Most shark is sold as steaks or filets.
The body of the shark is unique to b...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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