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In Hamlet, one of the major themes is revenge. Three characters are all trying to get

revenge. Two of them, Laertes and Fortinbras, are able to act quickly without putting any

thought in to what they will do. However, Hamlet acts slowly and thinks everything out before

he does anything. This makes Laertes and Fortinbras foils to Hamlet.

Hamlet is taking revenge on Claudius because Claudius murdered his father. Hamlet

goes through the play wanting to get revenge at anytime, however, Hamlet has to think about

everything before doing it. When his fathers ghost came and told Hamlet of his murder, Hamlet

had to get proof of this before acting because he thought it was the devil playing a trick on him.

“Yet I,
A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak
Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause,
And can say nothing. No, not for a king,
Upon whose property and most dear life
A damned defeat was made. Am I a cow...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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