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Sex in the Media

Sex is a word that catches everyone’s attention. Whenever a person hears the word “sex” he looks in that direction. Sex, by definition, is the “sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior” ( Is it possible that this exact urge manifests in behavior to buy certain products that arouse that urge? For example, if a woman sees a beautiful model wearing sexy lingerie in a TV commercial, does she subconsciously want to purchase the product in an attempt to be like her? If a male sees an ad in which other men are drinking beer and are surrounded by beautiful women at a bar, does he automatically thinks that by drinking this particular beer he will be able to live out the portrayed scenario?
It seems obvious that sex and the thought of sex demonstrate themselves have at least some affect on purchasing behavior. However, is it fair to say that whenever someone hears of sex, sees a sexually related ad, or thinks that a ce...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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