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sex in movie

Even with the knowledge that teens are the primary audiences for movies in theaters and for in-home movies on cable or videocassette, little research has been done in analyzing the amount sexual content in the movies. However we do know that a large amount (2/3) of movies are R-rated due to sexual content. Laws over movies legal age limit have become slackened over recent times. Although the required age to see an R-rated movie is 16 without an adult, the average person has most likely seen one already.
Compared to the other formats, feature films seemed almost priggish, with an overall average of only seven scenes involving sex per hour, a mere two of which involved hard-core material. This reflects the marketing of different films to demographically targeted audiences. This confines highly sexual material to a smaller nook than those carved out by MTV music videos, which are aimed at teenagers, or even television series, many of which compete for a relatively youthful audience. H...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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