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Secure Acute Respiratory Syndrome

How Many cases have there been?

As of Thursday afternoon, China's official count stood at 2,422 with more than 750 of those cases in Beijing alone, according to the health ministry. Altogether, 110 people have died in Mainland China since officials have been tracking the disease.

Is there a cure?

There is no cure as this is a completely new disease and has never been seen before. However in Hong Kong some patients who have been on a cocktail of drugs including the anti-viral drug Ribavirin and Steroids claim to feel better.How Many cases have there been?

As of Thursday afternoon, China's official count stood at 2,422 with more than 750 of those cases in Beijing alone, according to the health ministry. Altogether, 110 people have died in Mainland China since officials have been tracking the disease.

Posted by: Carmen hershman

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