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Scottsboro Trial and To Kill a Mockingbird

The trial of Tom Robinson, from the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, is almost identical to the lives and trial of the Scottsboro Boys. Both trials were perfect examples of how the people of Alabama favored certain races. Bias is obvious and is shown throughout both cases, which took place in the same time period. Thinking whites were above the law and could do whatever they wanted to the Negroes and get away with it. A white person's word was automatically the truth when it was held up to the credibility of someone whom was black. Together, white women accused black men of rape, therefore making the men decisively guilty of the crime. Finding lawyers for the accusers would be complicated. But two well-educated white men took a stand and fought for the equality of fairness and race, even though they knew it was against the wishes of the townspeople.
Clearly, the settings of the two cases are noticeably similar. Each incident took place in Alabama during the Great ...

Posted by: Gabrielle Gooch

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