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rough beginig

Growing up in a single parent home is definitely not easy for any child. The single parent, mother or father, usually has to work two jobs and barely has enough time to take care of the household duties.
My name is Luis Morales and I am another victim of a single parent home. It was something that I would have never expected. My parents were married for fifteen years, and everything seemed to be all right. But one day my father went away on a business trip and my mother told him not to bother returning.
I was entering the ninth grade of school during this time. I recall having to work all summer long to save up enough money so I would be able to shop for school clothes.
I never could afford to get the name brand clothes that all the kids had. Nor the name brand shoes that all the “in” kids wore. But I finally saved up enough money and I went out an...

Posted by: Cinthia De Ruiz

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