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Respiration and Circulation Research (tobacco)

There are over 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. 43 of these chemicals are carcinogenic (cancer causing). Tar is present in tobacco and is very dangerous; it can stain teeth, fingernails and lung tissue and contains benzo pyrene which triggers tumour development. Another chemical that is present is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is fatal in large doses and binds to haemoglobin which decreases the level of oxygen attached to haemoglobin and therefore the heart has to work harder to get oxygen to other parts of the body. Nitrogen oxide is in tobacco smoke and damages the lungs. It also causes emphysema. Hydrogen cyanide stops the cilia working properly and therefore the poisonous chemicals in tobacco stay in the lungs. Ammonia is another chemical found in tobacco and also damages the lungs. Tobacco also contains metals and radioactive compounds that are carcinogenic.
Smoking tobacco causes irritation of the trachea and larynx. It causes reduced lung function as the bronchi and bronchi...

Posted by: Geraint Watts

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