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Remember the Titans

Chapter 8 – Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism is
1). Consequentialist: actions are not intrinsically r/w; the morality of an act depends on its consequences.
2). Teleological: Its aim/goal is the great net happiness for all.
We all desire happiness; - only it is intrinsically good.
But it is not a selfish (egoistic) hedonism: We are naturally sympathetic and concerned with promoting the happiness of others too.

Whose happiness counts? That of all sentient beings – equally.
What is happiness? Pleasure and the absence of pain.
Beware : not all preferences / choices are well-informed ;
Mere sentiment is subjective, without rational grounds.
Mill wants a rational principle : The principle of Utility or Greatest Happiness Principle.
GHP = Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote H ; wrong as they tend to produce unhappiness.

Are intentions morally relevant? – No
Not to the right / wrongness of an act ;
But they indicate the moral character of the agen...

Posted by: Darren McCutchen

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