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Reasons for Allied Victory

In 1914 the First World War began. What was thought to be a short, quick show of power turned into a four year campaign as the countries of the Triple Entente fought to prevent the Central Powers from taking over mainland Europe. By 1917 it seems the war would go on forever, dragging out, with both side appearing equal in fighting power and a trench line stretching from the Swiss Alps to the North Sea. Why is it then that eventually the members of the Triple Entente won the war? Why did Germany declare armistice? The following essay will attempt to answer these questions as well as providing evidence to support the claims made.

When Russia pulled out of the war after a revolution in 1917 the war on the Western front took a turn for the worse for the Allies. With the removal of a threat form the East Germany was free to send troops to the Western Front strengthening its hold in the captured areas of France, Belgium and surrounding areas. While this appeared, on the surface, to be a g...

Posted by: Kelly G Hess

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