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Reality T.V. in Australia

Everyday Australians turn on their television to find programs that are covering issues and topics that are relative to them, the viewer. On these programs viewers can see "average" Australians like themselves dealing with the same issues and conflicts that they are: "racism, sexuality, welfare rights, and religious freedom." (Shattuc, p.86). As viewers are connecting to the characters and the topics covered on these shows they are taking part in creating a public opinion forum, which is a public sphere. The public sphere in Australia is shown dramatically through the new wave of reality television shows.
Before beginning to look at exactly how reality TV is part of the public sphere it is essential to define a public sphere. Jurgen Haberman who is one of the leading theorist of the public sphere defines it as "a domain of our social life in which such a thing as public opinion can be formed…dealing with matters of general interest without being subject to concern…free to ex...

Posted by: Melissa T. Littlefield

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