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Reading for Enjoyment

Reading for Enjoyment: A Personal Assessment
In today’s society, a decreasing number of teens chose to read solely for enjoyment. A limited number of students read on their own at all, because many simply have never understood the benefits of reading over the various alternate forms of entertainment, such as television and film. These other means of entertaining oneself are often abused, as I have found through personal experience. They ultimately divert people from discovering the pleasures of a good book, which can garner much greater rewards in many forms.
In the technologically advanced world in which we live, entertainment is synonymous with electronic media. Is it not easier to be sucked into the monotonous, “cheap” entertainment that is provided by television and movies than to stair at a printed page? The empty soap operas and sitcoms that clutter our modern culture do nothing to improve the way we think about the world. In fact, in my experience, the bl...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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