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Queen ISabella

Queen Isabella

Queen Isabella was born in 1451, in Madrigal de Las atlas, Spain. She was the Queen of Castile and Aragon, and she was the daughter of John II, which was King of Castile, by his second wife, Isabella of Portugal. Being only a little more than three years of age when her father died in 1445 she was brought up carefully and overly protected by her mother until her thirteenth year. On July 5, 1468 they sought to obtain the crown from the infant Isabella, rejecting the kings daughter, Joan who was also known as “la Beltra Neigh” on the supposition that Don Beltran was her real father (women’s history).
Isabella Queen of Castile was also called “the Catholic” and she sponsored voyages for Christopher Columbus. In 1469 Isabella married Ferdinand of Aragon, also known as “the Catholic” On the death of her brother, Henry IV, Isabella and Ferdinand took the throne of Castile and Leon. “Isabella’s succession was contested by Alfonso V of Portug...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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