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psychological impact on soldiers of WW2


World War II was a global military conflict of a magnitude never experienced in human history. World War II was by far the most devastating war ever in terms of lives lost and material destruction. This war involved the commitment of America’s entire human and economic resources like no other significant event has before or since. World War II also marked a blurring of the distinction between soldier and non-combatant and expanded the battlefield to include all of the enemy’s territory. No place on earth felt safe. Patton, Saving Private Ryan, and The Victors are all gripping accounts of different situations during World War II and all clearly illustrate psychological impact on the soldiers involved.
American soldiers, never having witnessed the massive destruction of life and property, were ill prepared to cope with the utter brutality of this war. Soldiers faced the trauma of losing their fellow combatants af...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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