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Precious time

We can never judge someone by their physical attributes, but looking inside that person to see who he really is. I think the solution to reduce racism, sexism and ageism is very simple: respect and treat each other and as we would like to be treated. Also, we need to teach children to accept all people, no matter how do they look like. If we educate them and change our attitudes toward people, sometime in the future we will be closer to accept that someone’s character is always based upon the content of his soul, not his religion, gender, age, or the color of his skin.It was a precious event, which happened last semester that made me realize what kind of a person I really am. I could never forget how lucky I was, I am and I will be that I have such an incredible family. I have an excellent father who is always good at almost everything. Whatever he touches becomes golden ...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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