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Preasure to be thin

Female celebrities are just as paranoid and self- conscious about their bodies as every other woman and girl on the planet, but they have it worse because they are in the public eye. They have millions of girls and woman respecting them and at the same time trying to emulate them. But I would ask, are thee role models putting impossible pressure on themselves and by implication every other women, to be thin.
For most of us, if we put on a few pound, nobody really notices, maybe our mum’s, our best friends or our boyfriends but it is not on the front cover of every tabloid newspaper in the country! Every morning “It girls” Victoria Beckham, Geri Haliwell and Liz Hurley will be dreading reading what has been written about them in the paper. Liz Hurley once openly admitted to a magazine, “If it’s any consolation, I threw away two- thirds of my wardrobe and lost 15 pounds after seeing paparazzi pictures of myself- the celebrity version of a vicious Polaroid.” Does this not sho...

Posted by: Alexander Bartfield

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